2021.09.02 / About

Core Services

Core Services

Our services focus on Google Workspace and Google Cloud Platform. In addition, we develop and sell SaaS products working with Google. Our services are mainly provided in Taiwan and Southeast Asia.

We will continue to pay very close attention to the quality of Google Cloud services. While improving productivity, we will standardize and automate low value-added businesses to strengthen our business. In addition, we will provide more services to help our customers increase their competitiveness and productivity.

Our views on working as a Google reseller

Our core business is Google Cloud. Although Google is an innovative company, we are neither innovative nor creative. In other words, although Google is one of the most powerful companies, we as resellers are not that powerful.

Continuous improvement and development of appropriate technology and learning Google Cloud product knowledge are definitely the goals we constantly strive for. The quality of our services is always the foundation of our business.

The technology provided by Google is indeed very powerful and innovative. However, it is a long journey for businesses to use this technology in their business. As a reseller, we play the role of helping companies leverage Google’s technology for their business growth.

As mentioned in the other article, our company does not seek to expand or go public, but maximizing gross profit is our main goal.

Cold calling or cold emailing is not the strategy we use in our business. Instead, we get leads through inbound marketing, so there is no commission on the sale.

In addition, there will be no special treatment for technical positions. We make it a point to allow all employees to have direct contact with customers. Therefore, if you are a salesperson who wants to earn a six-figure annual salary or an engineer who does not want to deal with customers, you may not be suited to work in our company.